JDC Tribute
JDC is the Japan Detectives Club, a feature of Seiryoin Ryusui's genre exploding novels. His work was so influential on the next generation of writers that several of them have penned novels using his world and characters.
Double Down Kanguro:
A downtrodden young woman sees a teenage boy staring up at the JDC. He introduces himself as Munashino Kanguro, and then proceeds to steal a van from a suspicious man, which turns out to be filled with nitroglycerin. They have accidentally stumbled into a battle with Shikishima Ayame, a former JDC detective who went on a killing spree, murdering 66 other detectives before vanishing five years ago.
Explodes a few narrative conventions in it's own right, and pays off the slow, gloomy narration early on with a climax that is one incredibly bad ass moment right after the other.
(Source: easternstandard)